Friday, March 5, 2010

First update

So I planted these on Monday, March 1st. It's 5 days into the germination process.


I planted these with the idea of possibly doing containers in the house. Yes, I believe it's a little early...I thought it was the right time. (and THIS is why I titled this as BEGINNER...) Oh well... it'll be ok ;) I used a 'Jiffy  Professional Greenhouse' that holds 72 peat pellets.  

Now for the record, these are NOT the best for ALL. If you're doing hydroponics, you want to get rockwool (google it, there's tons of places that sell it). I bought mine off of Amazon, but I've seen them cheaper on ebay. But I'll tell you about all that when the time comes...

So anyway, Keeping in mind that I planned for these to be in soil, this is what I used. And frankly, I don't regret buying these because I can always reuse the greenhouses with the rockwool ;) (I'm all about recycling!). 

A list of what I have already planted so far in my peat pellets:

(bought at local stores)

~Poinsette 76 cucumbers (x6)

~Straight Neck Early Yellow Squash (x4)

~Dark Green Zucchini (x4) 

~California Wonder Bell Peppers (x6)

~Beefsteak Tomato (x8)

~Delicious Tomato (x8)

~Roma Tomatoes (x6)

~Red Cherry Large Fruited (x9) 

~Hales Best Cantaloupe (x9)

~Crimson Sweet Watermelon (x6)

~Sugar Baby Watermelon (x6)


...yeah... don't think I'm planting all of these...I'm giving a lot of them away LOL I just wanted to fill the tray! I DO plan on keeping a lot of tomato plants because I'm going to make salsa to jar.

Tray 2 is empty :/


I still have carrots peas and okra, along with herbs. Oh, and lettuce and spinach LOL And some seeds are still coming! Big task? YUP! But I'm going to make a community garden so people can come work mine and take stuff home with them! That's the plan anyway...


I made a little chart of what plants are placed where and how many were planted so I don't get confused (which, when you get to know me you will see, I do often...)  

This is my cantaloupe 5 days into germination.

These are my cukes same time.

SO my hydro stuff was ordered this morning, I SHOULD have everything by the 10th or 11th. I'm not starting anymore seeds until I get my hydro stuff so I can start them right and only what I need. That's going to be tough to choose! I bought all heirloom seeds for the hydro stuff so I can save the seeds to germ next year. And in a week or two I will go buy all the stuff to make hydro systems myself. I should be able to make quiet a few, once I find out where to buy everything. Down side of living in a small town... In theory I should be able to get everything I need in town...just in two or three different places LOL


(ps, sorry about the weird underlined font thing...I copied and pasted it from word, so idk what's going on there. Posting pics and moving them was too hard, so I just wrte in word and went around the pics, and somehow it did with it... LOL)

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